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Welcome to my portfolio! I am a digital artist and illustrator with a passion for creating unique and captivating designs. My work ranges from digital paintings to covers to product designs. Please explore my works under my portfolio and feel free to contact me for any inquiries or collaborations.

My Story

I reside in Castle Rock, Colorado, and initially, I hadn't anticipated pursuing a career in art. However, after completing my first year of college, I knew that art was passion. I aspired to delve into the creative realm professionally, so I applied for the illustration program at CU Denver and have been dedicated to it since my acceptance in 2021. I'm in my last semester and am set to graduate in May with my BFA! Whoo hoo! Presently, I'm immersed in exploring opportunities within the book industry, particularly in designing covers. Additionally, I've ventured into product design and have worked on personal characters and various projects.

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